Sunday, 6 March 2011

Spark of initiative or too much hot air Mr Cameron?

No money left in government coffers says Dave the Rave so the "only strategy" for growth is to get behind Britain's entrepreneurs at the Conservative Spring Forum at the Welsh Conference

The Conservative Party are combining the Spring Forum and Welsh Conservative Conferences in Cardiff right now

In a speech to his party's spring conference, the PM declared war on the "enemies of enterprise" - and said he was on the side of "go-getters".
And he vowed 23 March's Budget would be the "most pro-growth this country has seen for a generation".
With interest rates at a record low, and no money to spare, the prime minister said he wanted to champion the growth and ingenuity of the British people.

He said: "The spark of initiative. The courage to make your dream happen. The hard work to see it through.
I say "There's only one strategy for growth we can have now and that is rolling up our sleeves and doing everything possible to make it easier for businesses to grow, to invest, to take people on.
If this is all true the National Savings Bank would give those who deposit money 5% tax free and lend this fund to business owners at 12%
Result investors win great rates tax free, the business owner gets a loan at a rate relevant to the risk and the government would make a superb profit..

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