Thursday, 8 April 2010

30,000 emails a month for only £69.95 !!!

Now you can send 5,000 emails a month for just £19.95 + VAT; or top up to 30,000 emails a month for only £69.95

In the olden days of the 80's and even early 90's we used to send out direct mail and 5000 A4 letters could cost you a couple of grand to send with letter, brouchure, envelope, paying staff to stuff, lick and post!!

Now one simple email can link to a website and we can be in front of thousands for very little.
I want to bring some of these great deals to your attention as we all expand our business in tough times.

As the old saying is never more true than today

"When the going gets tough ..... the tough gets going"

They say
"WeCanDoCRM is free for contact and customer management; and free to add email templates and build your first campaign. You only need to upgrade to Pro Networker when you have campaigns to send; and then there's no commitment beyond the month. Come and try it now -- just click here to get started.

Please give me feedback on your findings?

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