Saturday 31 July 2010

A Round Tuit

BIG ideas aren't enough...

If you asked me to become a fly on the wall to see what you've been doing with your business for the last fortnight what would I see?

Would I report back having seen you as a person being productive, getting on with things, making a difference to your bottom line profit and improving the bank balance?

Alternatively could you be seen as chasing the 'Holy Grail',researching, reading, and getting ready to start and almost at the start line?

It's not an unfamiliar situation
This week alone I've heard 4 people say "I'll get around to it in September"

STOP!! What makes you wait until September if you can progress something today?

Making money (particularly on-line) is all about finding
1. Something to sell
2. Somewhere to sell it
3. Someone to sell to

Your product, buyers and method of selling will be important once you get your thinking right.

Correct thinking turns ideas in to money-in-your-bank and cash is simple reality
As you may expect, access to the programme, and the coach that coached the best should come with a hefty price tag.

To get our message to as many people as possible, I want you to have access to this programme. So I've decided to make this accessible to everyone that wants it, as it may well be the one missing component that has been holding you back so far and since you can get access to it for just a fraction of the real cost you really should check this out and think about how you might function as a licenced business partner once you are trained to be a Netbods Internet Business Consultant with a special franchise fee to followers of this blog during August 2010 only.

Get around to it now and find out how you could make your fortune as as an Internet business consultant

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