Saturday, 19 June 2010

I am looking for an entrepreneur who wants to earn £100K a year

Perhaps you feel as though you don't need to build a 'network' or 'associate' with anyone in business right now, or don't need to as you're going start your own business

FACT Think again

If you want to become a marketeer you must surround yourself with people and network as influences will positively help you.

If you're only surrounded by people from your day job grumbling about office politics and the recession, and spend every evening watching Corrie, Eastenders and sports it will not be a positive help to your business.

Even if you have a day job, in your spare time immerse yourself in anything and everything 'internet or network marketing' related ... positive forums like the Warrior Forum - are good.

Watch out a whingers about and do be sure you are on a winners and not a whiners forums, all you'll do is depress yourself reading comments from people who have never done anything positive and never do , free literature on the internet, e-books if you like outdated stuff!

By feeding your mind with great articles on your subject area continually helps keep your ideas fresh and your finger on the pulse ... and also allows you to be aware of opportunities and people in the field as they develop, helping you with your own business.

After all ...'You become what you read'...

So you'd be right to consider who and what you spend time doing because without realising it, the associations you make on a regular basis can start to influence and affect how you operate as well.

There is no doubt this is true...everybody who works closely with me starts to put on weight, develops a love of eating out in the best restaurants, enthuses about wine and port, and wants to drive an oversized overprice car or even start flying to meetings in thier own plane... honestly, its true! (I say this tongue in cheek, but there's a serious side to this too).

What's as important, if not more so, is to avoid the "wrong'uns and bad eggs" too... not only the 'non-productive' activities that don't contribute to your success, but also people that (rightly or wrongly) could 'blot your copy book' purely by associating with them...

Would you really want to partner up with somebody who has a poor reputation for over-hyping in copy, not fulfilling promises, or treating customers badly? ... Of course not...

How about somebody with a criminal record? Most people would answer "no way" but you could argue that this is a little short sighted ... after all even some of the top entrepreneurs in the world have a criminal record - Duncan Bannatyne for example ... and even Richard Branson got in to trouble over a deliberate VAT scam...

The whole topic could probably open up a whole new debate which could last for weeks (so I'll stop)... but just be aware.

I'm in the fortunate position of now being able to choose who I work with ... and I consider very carefully who I do business with, and I suggest you do the same. Somebody having a 'colourful' past is no reason not to associate with them but you do need to think very carefully about how you may be perceived ... In the mean time immerse yourself in everything that can help you move forward.

In these times of doing business what I would look for is a consistent supplier who can pay you on time every time you do business and that can be more difficult than finding your sales team of agents and distributors

For those looking to establish a business quickly and be supported by a company with a first class track record in a growth market then get in touch 0845 056 9325
then you can decide fly a plane or drive a crazy car!

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