You are in your forties or fifties, looking at yourself in the mirror, find you’re still asking yourself ‘what do I want to be when I grow up?’
Although this can feel frightening, looked at properly it is a BIG opportunity.
Very few of us know what we want to do (professionally) as children.I was going to a very good school saying I wanted to be a Solicitor and then decided to sell cars!
Next thing my school fees got downgraded!! Most of us have varied interests as we grow up and on that basis a car salesman or barman could have been my future.
You migh study a subject at college you are fairly good at, and then are faced with the question: what next?
Many of us then take on a job that serves as a stop-gap until we discover what it is we want to do.
An easy option is to head for a profession like law and accounting – there is always a need for these skills. Sometimes it might be a less high powered but the motivation for doing it may be similar.
Over the years we move jobs and suddenly find, in our mid forties or fifties, that the question ‘what do I want to be when I grow up?’ has not been satisfactorily answered. And now you are grown up.
At this age, the question is more frightening than it was when you were younger. You have dependants and responsibilities, and a growing panic, or despair that you really should know what you want to do.
Here’s another way of looking at this situation.
I was amongst the rare few who have known since childhood what they want to do, sell, sell and be proud of selling. It was much better than getting stuck on the family chicken farm!
This is our time to see our lives are not ‘a career’ as such, but rather an extended experiment, carried out by us in the real world.
We test various ways of earning a living. We work in various capacities in different places.
By the time you are in your forties, you have accumulated a mass of invaluable data about yourself as a professional.
By looking back over your work life, you can discover what works for you, and what doesn’t.
Where your strengths are. What sort of institutions and fields you enjoy working in. Having discovered that, you can now target exactly the place to work in which, finally, to construct an enjoyable, and highly successful ‘career’.
Does this mean anything:
‘I'm very successful and my life is full and busy. But somehow I feel unhappy, as if something is missing’. (Am I having a mid-life crisis?)
‘I know the leadership of my team is critical to the success of the business but I find it hard to manage the conflicts, tensions and motives of highly talented prima donnas’
‘I'm plagued by my feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction, even of insecurity. They don't fit with my success to date’
‘I seem to have hit a barrier in my progress, my role has changed dramatically, my style no longer seem applicable but I am not sure what I need for the future’
‘My work life runs like clockwork. But at home I seem to be in a mid-life crisis. It doesn't make sense’
Do any of these statements from former clients of mine ring true to you?
If so, you will already have discovered that doing more of what you have done up to now is not the answer. You only gain longer hours, more stress and an increasing sense of estrangement from your most important personal relationships and needs.
Experience rather than theory forced me to realise that these manifestations though confusing or even dysfunctional are part of a normal process and reflects a natural life cycle related to age and personal development
Well then make that big shift you are only here once so do something amazing leave the country, head to the country join an MLM, buy a franchise start a franchise, get involved in a new experince!!
Rent out your house and go on tour to Asia or Oz go do it and hurry up!! Jobs are highly ovrerated as you get paid to do what someone else wants you to do
You can start at anytime if you want to be successful.
But you have to start.
You won't accomplish anything if you wait for all the possible objections to be overcome. Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.
Don't be afraid to live.
Don't wait for things to change.
Don't wait until you have more time, until you are less tired,
until you get the promotion, until you settle down, until, until, until.
Don't wait for a major event in your life to occur before you begin to live.
Begin where you are. Work where you are. The hour you are wasting now, dreaming of some far off success,
is crowded with tremendous possibilities.
When you take the first step, your mind will direct all forces to assist you. Once you have started, all that is within and around you will come to create assistance.
The only way to start down the road to success is to take that first step.
Have a laugh before its too late
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