Thursday 8 April 2010

Google Buzz! Can you get the buzz in your business

Will Google Buzz benefit your business?

Now that the dust has settled on the controversial launch of Google Buzz, I decide to investigate whether it offers real business opportunities.
This piece on Google Buzz and its potential applications for business was originally going to run some weeks ago, but two things rapidly became apparent.
Firstly, we needed time to have a play around with it. It wasn't instantly clear to me exactly what its purpose, strengths and/or weaknesses were and the fact that it landed out of the blue, with no instructions save for a two-minute video, certainly didn’t help matters.

As ever some sources were prepared to stump up some snap opinions (opinions are like bottoms as everybody has one and they are often full of the same stuff) even some of those quickly wanted to retract or amend their initial thoughts as they further explored the functionality.

Mind you, woth the BIG the liberties that Buzz took with its users' privacy resulted in such an unholy storm that everything else regarding Google's foray into the social world was overshadowed by the controversy. Understandably, people weren't happy when they initially checked out Buzz to find that they were already set up to follow people and the backlash began.

The dust has now settled (somewhat). Although whether or not Buzz will ever recover from the furore is yet to be seen.

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