Friday 16 April 2010

Five years ago, the Indian Ocean tsunami claimed the lives of over 150,000 people

Five years ago, the Indian Ocean tsunami claimed the lives of over 150,000 people in Aceh, Indonesia.

Today, more than 17,500 poor women in Aceh have access to financial services and we are continually expanding our reach -- thanks to you, our generous supporters, and our partners.

But you alone helped us raise nearly $100,000 online for economic recovery in Haiti and set a Grameen Foundation online fundraising record -- an outpouring of support like none we had ever seen.

Give online today.

Your impact is felt around the world.


“We relied on charity and relief aid for three years after the tsunami until we had a little bit of money to start buying fish. And now we make a lot more money from trading than when my husband still fished.”

– Hasniati, Fishmonger

If you are one of the first 50 supporters to give*, you will receive a copy of “Tsunami Recovery: Rebuilding Aceh.”

This book chronicles the stories of 21 women who are not only survivors, but are progressing out of poverty thanks to microfinance. The American Red Cross -- our relief partner on the ground -- paid for the publication of this book to better share our important work with supporters like you.

Display this book at home or work as a reminder: microfinance changes lives.

Your donation will help write the book of many triumphant stories to come.



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